UK National Blockchain Roadmap (UK NBR)
BLOCKCHAIN , UK National Blockchain Roadmap (UK NBR) , , 4-Kl3yAnFiM ,
BITMAIN AntMiner;WhatsMiner;Goldshell;Avalon Miner;INNOSILICON;iPollo etc.
Cryptocurrency Miner Distribution Center-
WhatsApp: +86 18652531708 , 7042 , 5.00 , Authored in collaboration with Rt. Hon. Martin Docherty-Hughes MP, Chair of UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Blockchain (APPG) and Rt. Hon. Lord Holmes of Richmond MBE, Vice-Chair of UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Blockchain, BBA presents the Excellence Standards Framework of the UK’s National Blockchain Roadmap (NBR), produced by the Centre for Evidence Based Blockchain and led by Dr Naseem Naqvi FBBA, the President of The British Blockchain Association.
To contribute to the UK NBR, contact us at
We would also like to thank the following individuals and organisations for their contributions to this report:
Editors, Advisors, Researchers and Members of The Centre for Evidence-Based Blockchain (CEBB)
Dr Mureed Hussain FBBA, Secretary of the British Blockchain Association
Deborah Cleary, Deputy Secretary of the BBA (voice over for the video)
Advisors and Members of The British Blockchain Association
Fellows of The British Blockchain Association
Editorial Board Members of The JBBA
Authors of The JBBA
Members of The Blockchain Associations Forum (BAF)
BBA’s global network of partners and ambassadors in 100+ countries and territories
Industry Stakeholders who provided valuable contributions to the roadmap
The British Blockchain Association (The BBA) was established in 2017. It is a non-profit, neutral industry think-tank advancing evidence-based adoption of Distributed Ledger Technologies. The Centre for Evidence Based Blockchain operates under the auspices of the BBA. The JBBA is the world’s first scientific peer-reviewed blockchain research journal available both in print and online. The BBA works in collaboration with the UK’s Department for International Trade, The BBC, British embassies, UK Blockchain APPG, UNDP, Commonwealth Africa Anti-Corruption Centre CAACC, and other international ecosystem stakeholders.
Disclaimer: The recommendations in this report should not be taken to represent the official policy or opinion of the UK government unless this is specifically stated.
The contents herein are correct at the time of printing and may be subject to change. While every effort has been made to ensure the contents are free from typing, proofreading and formatting errors at the time of going to press, CEBB will be glad to be notified of any errors or omissions brought to our attention after the report is published.
© Copyright The British Blockchain Association and The CEBB. All rights reserved. You must give appropriate credit and acknowledge the original source and obtain permission from the copyright holder to use the material in your work, or when reproducing the contents of this report. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned.
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Email: , 1633649454 , 2021-10-07 23:30:54 , 00:09:59 , UCJN6GSN2VR5BCJMeSwf2rPw , The BBA , 5032 , , Blockchain,Roadmap,National,UK,DLT,Crypto,Framework,Exellence,Standards,Evidence Based Blockchain,BBA , , , ,, #National #Blockchain #Roadmap #NBR